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100V line speakers Diagram and Wiring Help

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Help on 100V line speakers systems with Diagram and Wiring Help


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Standard 100V line set-up

Total tapped power: 80W

In addition, the transformers in each speaker may have tappings at different points along the primary coil, which effectively draw different Wattages from the amplifier. For example, a 10W speaker may also have settings for 5W or 2.5W.

The speaker output may also be varied using remote volume controls, known as attenuators, but these should be considered to be at their maximum volume output when choosing an amplifier to drive the speakers.

100V line set-up with multiple tappings

Wired in parallel and tapped to 90% of the amplfiers max. power output

If more speakers are required beyond 90% of the 100V amplifier’s maximum output, a slave amplifier may be employed to drive these.

The slave amplifier is simply linked from the line output of the main amplifier, to which another series of speakers are then linked to, in the same way the speaker are from the main amplifier.

Extended 100V line set-up

Main 4 speaker system with additional 4 speaker set and slave amplifier